My husband is the greatest!!! We celebrated our 10 year anniversary this weekend and he went to TWO fabric stores with me!!! LOL! We checked out Textile Fabrics in Nashville first and I bought some adorable vintage looking fabrics! Stay tuned to the blog in the next few months for some cute outfits using those prints!

Then, we went to JoAnn's since I had a coupon and wanted to get my "Fall Collection" of fabric to put on my blog/facebook page! I love the combos that I picked out! Of course, Eva Mae will get first creations of the outfits I have in mind! :)

Gray/Yellow combos
Gray/Yellow combos
Add Elegant Décor to Home by Appealing Décor items Need to purchase stylish design table covering; Fabric town is here for you. Here we have a gigantic accumulation of table covers alongside various other home décor things and textures, which you can purchase at a sensible price according to your benefit.