
Monday, May 20, 2013

New Series - Flip this Pattern

I am really excited to announce a new series that my friends Ashley and Emily at Frances Suzanne are hosting!!!
Flip This Pattern

(How cool is that logo?  They are some seriously talented sisters!!!)

Flip This Pattern
You can grab this button for your blog if you want to join us in the sew-along!!!  I will be participating in the actual competition in February (the Violette Fields Threads Josephine) but hope to follow and sew along through the other months as well!  The first pattern that will be flipped is Elephant and Elegance's adorable Bubble Pocket Shorts!!! (See the link in the bottom graphic!)  I hope you can join all of us and participate in some sewing fun!!!!  The series starts June 5th!

cathgrace | Welcome to the Mouse House | S is for Sewing | Sewing Like Mad | Elegance & Elephants | Call ajaire Little Kids Grow | Daisy Chain Creations | Once Upon a Notion | Handmade Martini | iCandy handmade | you & mie If only they would Nap |  Foster Ramblings | Designs by Sessa | Shaffer Sisters {Jo} | greendoodle | Shaffer Sisters {Al} Siestas & Sewing | mama says sew | Sewing Mama RaeAnna | sewVery | Nap Time Crafters | {lbg studio} Shaffer Sisters {Scary} | Sweeter Than Cupcakes | Once Upon a Sewing Machine | Crafty Cupboard | The Powell Family
E & E Patterns oliver + s StraightGrain Pattern Anthology Figgy's Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop Shwin Designs Clever Charlotte Violette Field Threads Blank Slate Patterns Heidi & Finn The Cottage MamaE & E Patterns | oliver + s | StraightGrain | Pattern Anthology  Figgy's | Peek-A-Boo Pattern Shop Shwin Designs | Clever Charlotte  Violette Field Threads | Blank Slate Patterns | Heidi & Finn | The Cottage Mama

Also, stay tuned for more information on my series "Romper Week" and a fun giveaway for all the readers!!!

Sewing Mama RaeAnna Blog

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