
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Seussical Week!

If you didn't know, Dr. Seuss' birthday is celebrated on March 2nd each year!

 In my former life as a music teacher I LOVED this week - creating lessons that used various Seuss books and putting on a "Read Across America" program each year with 2nd grade.

 Now, as a crafty stay-at-home mama I've had the opportunity to create some cute Seuss celebration clothes!  Check out these adorable "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" shirts I was able to make for a customer!

As my kids get older I can't wait to incorporate fun crafts and activities to inspire a love for children's literature! Dr. Seuss was so magical and unique! I remember as a child reading "Cat in the Hat" and "Please Try to Remember the First of Octember" (My brother's favorite was "Marvin K. Mooney!" I had to read that out loud to him many times as well!) Here are some fun projects I found on the web!!!

If you have a Dr. Seuss craft/activity on your blog, leave a comment so I can check it out!!!

I hope your many colored days are filled with lots of yellow and pink days and not gray or black ones!

Sewing Mama RaeAnna Blog 

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