I was so excited about this week's challenge!!! It didn't take me long to think of a designer that I really agree with the "aesthetic" - that designer is Mila Hermanovski (or just Mila....if you asked me her last name I would probably say "Hermanamanah" or some other form of jibberish!!! lol!)

I think as a person she is really rough around the edges and most likely would never be someone that I could be friends with. However, each week on her season of Project Runway I really looked forward to see what she was going to create! I know the whole season she really wasn't taken too seriously - colorblocking = high fashion? Maybe not so much. But everyone has their own likes and dislikes! I personally like it! :)
Here are a few examples of her work:
I think her stuff is so fun! You can search through old blogs and news articles to read more about her designs! This one stood out to me as my inspiration for my dress:
I just love yellows and grays!!! I wanted to create a color block dress with stripes and I had a cute yellow/gray print already in my stash that could work great with my concept!
Get ready for a long post!!!
So the first thing I did was take a gray and a yellow pillowcase and cut 3" strips on the bias. I took all those strips, lined them up and sewed them together to get my stripe fabric.
I cute out the left side of the dress front
Then, piecing together a strip down the middle and a block on the bottom left of the dress I "color blocked" the front panels.
Here's the back view
I didn't want to do all the work of piecing the stripes of bias strips again so I just did a simple color block back with the gray pillowcase and print
So I have a front and back and now I need a front and back lining. I used the yellow and gray print for the lining!
To put the dress together sew the side seams of the front and back on both the main fabric and the lining fabric.
Leave a 3" hole in one of the lining sides to turn the dress right side out at the end.
Press all the seams open (in this pic you see the hole in the lining.)
Now, put the lining and dress right sides together.
Here's what it looks like when you're looking down at the dress.
Sew all the way around the arms and neck
Turn right side out and press!
Top stitch the arms and neck!
Now, to close up the bottom of the dress, pin the right sides together all the way around the bottom. It looks really wonky but you're doing it right! :)
Find that open seam in the lining and turn the dress right side out!
Press and top stitch along the bottom!!! Add button holes and buttons and you're finished!