
Monday, November 11, 2013

Pattern Tour Day 6 - Frances Suzanne and the Shaffer Sisters

 The 2nd week of the Pattern Tour!!!  I really hope you're not getting tired of my daily posts!  I'm so not used to publishing something each day..... I hope I'm not coming across as an annoying telemarketer calling you all.the.time in your blog reader or facebook!!!  Kicking off my Romper Week series this summer made me feel a little like this too - I like to think of my random occasional posts as a fun little "hello" to all of you in cyber land!  Hopefully connecting with you on a regular basis like this just means we're becoming better friends! ;-)  Plus, I HAD to showcase all of the talented ladies that worked so hard to share their versions!  If any of them are new to you I hope you'll take the time to browse their blogs and follow them in your blog reader or on FaceBook!

On to the first guest!!!!  Emily and Ashley of Frances Suzanne!!!
You have probably seen these amazing sisters in Project Run & Play sew alongs or through their blog series "Flip this Pattern!"  I can't get enough of the outfits they create!  I also had the privilege to have dinner with both of them several months ago and they are both so so so so so so so so so friendly and sweet!  The way they love on their nieces is heartwarming and the time and work they put into their garments is an inspiration!

I've told them multiple times that this is my all time favorite outfit:
1.  Because I love heirloom clothing and embroidery!
2.  Because nursery rhymes are one of my favorite things!
3.  Because I've never seen a newborn gown as beautiful as this!  Seriously - if I have another girl I am going to beg and plead with the sisters to let me buy this dress - even if it's on loan - to get pictures with my baby!  (That is if I am blessed with another baby! I think that is hubby's and my 2014 resolution!)

Next up are the uber talented Shaffer Sisters!!!  (All these posts about sisters blogging together is making me really jealous!!!  I was blessed with two younger brothers and neither has any interest in sewing I'm sure!)

I love how sweet these girls are!!!  I seriously was in tears a couple weeks ago after reading their post on bullying.  (And the Part II is ready to read here) If you want to follow a blog where REAL moms/sisters/women share their heart you need to spend some time on their blog!  I love how blogging can open a door to friendships - even though I've never met Scary, Jo, or Al I like to think of them as my friend!!!  Maybe if I have the good fortune to travel outside of my Nashville bubble I can meet some of the lovely blog ladies I only know through the internet!  Jo just had a baby so things are crazy around their family right now!  Congrats girl!!!

and also read about their Family Photo Stitched with Love posts with some great tips on getting pictures done - Holiday cards anyone?!

Thanks again for reading and I'll be back tomorrow to share two more wonderful creations!!!.................don't hang up!


  1. What a great tour. It's been so fun to see all the different ways this pattern has been executed. Thanks for letting us join in the fun. Just so you know, you're always welcome to be an honorary sister. You can't have too many of those you know.
    With Love,
    Al @ Shaffer Sisters

  2. You're so funny... and sweet!! We'd have to 'clear it' with "Sister Mama," but we might could work out a photo shoot 'loan' :). Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share with your readers!

    1. Ooooo! Crossing my fingers that I can have another little girl! :)
