
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy birthday to me!!!!

December 1st, 1979 welcomed a little baby girl into the world!!!  A friend of mine posted a cute blog about herself in 34 facts on her 34th birthday!  This is my 33rd but there's no way I can try to put together that many random facts about myself! haha!  So, these are the top 10 I can think of!

#1 - The island of Maui is where I was born and lived 6 months of my life!  Mom and dad moved back to Michigan after that! :-P

#2 -  I learned to play the accordion in college and it still is one of my favorite little quirky things that I consider a part of myself!  I love figuring out jazz songs - playing the melody on the keyboard and the chords with the chord buttons!

#3 - I majored in music education and after about 10 years in the classroom I am so happy and fulfilled to have a private piano studio of about 25 kids!

#4 - What About Bob has always been one of my favorite movies.  If you know me well you've probably heard me quote something from the movie...."I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful!"

#5 - Doncha-wish-your-hubby-was-a-prince-like-mine?  Well, not really a prince but he did fly to Germany to propose to me in the Heidelberg Castle!  Right inside the left turret below the main castle front!  He knows how to keep a secret and pull off a surprise for sure!!! :)

#6 - We have fierce Jeopardy battles in our house.  Our 3 year old likes to play along with us!  The rules are that you can answer the question as soon as you know the answer - and final Jeopardy is worth 2 points! :)

#7 - my grandparents owned a horse while I was growing up and I spent 6 weeks with my legs in casts after I fell off. 

#8 - John Corbett introduced himself to me at the Boundr'y restaurant in Nashville!  He was a bit buzzed but I was flattered that he kind of flirted with me!  (Nick was not happy) ;-)

#9 - My first car was a mustard colored 1973 Chevy Impala named Garfield.  It was like driving a boat!!!

And #10 - One of my birthday traditions growing up is that my mom would take me to the Nutcracker!  A tradition that I plan to carry on to my daughter (and son if he wants to go!)  Nashville has a wonderful adaptation!!  I don't know if we'll go this year or just watch the Balanchine version at home!

If you want to know what to get me for my birthday, I won't say no to a new Brother PR650e!!!  wink wink! :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. Happy Bday, RaeAnna! Fun facts! :)

  2. Learned a lot today! Happy birthday, friend! Have a great day!

  3. Happy Birthday!! We were born the same year...that was a great year :). Love the car...and John Corbett, and you playing the accordion. You're awesome!
