
Thursday, July 12, 2012

My First Giveaway!

I just bought some adorable applique designs and I have a back to school special going on in my community but I would love to send someone a cute t-shirt for their child going to school next month!!!  You will be able to pic your applique and have your child's name embroidered below the design!  It will be embroidered on a plain white t-shirt - your choice in size!  I'm thinking this is perfect if your child is starting Kindergarten this fall!!!!  I will leave the contest open from Friday-Monday (ending 10:00pm CST on Monday July 16th)  If you win, pick the applique you like best and e-mail me your preference in t-shirt size, child's name, and your address (I'll ship free as long as I can USPS flat rate ship to you!)

Both stock photos below are from Planet Applique!
Chalkboard Alphabet Applique

School Bus Applique
Here's how you can win!

1. Leave a comment on this post telling me about your favorite school memory
2. "Like" me on Facebook or become a follower of my blog and leave another comment telling me how you're following me in the social media world!

I will use to pick the winner! :)

I'm excited!!!  I'm sure since I'm still small time in the blogging world there may not be too many entries but I'm looking forward to reading your comments!!!


  1. My favorite memory is either choir in 4th and 5th grade or the Orff group I was in in 2nd and 3rd grades.

  2. Good luck with your new attractive looking BLOG! How brave of you to take on your first contest! I'll be following your blog (#5) as well as FB (I'm addicted!) If you are on Pinterest, let me know and stop by and say HI.
    Creative Wishes,
    Claire S.

  3. Thanks for asking me over! Why is it that I cannot think of a single favorite school memory. I mean I have awesome memories, but I can only remember the "embarrassing" moments! Like how I was dropped in cheerleading and then totally passed gas with all the other girls laying around me... or how my 8th grade "love" wrote me a letter in class and then the teacher confiscated it and made it a transparency and the whole class corrected his grammar. As if middle school isn't bad enough to have those two things happen as well!!! LOL!!! And you should add this Giveaway to the One Stop Giveaway Shop! You might get more of a turn out and don't be discouraged. It takes awhile to make "friends" in the blog world. Just be a friend and a cheerleader and you will gain your place. ;)

  4. My favourite school memory? Walking into my Grade 8 homeroom, and realizing my older brother's close friend was my teacher! (Even better was walking into my daughter's grade 8 homeroom, and finding the same person teaching her!) Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. I liked you on facebook. Great giveaway,good luck with it, and don't get discouraged,,,just keep at it.

  6. My favourite school was music!

    FB: Lyudmila Sizova
    GFC: Lyudmila
    lusizova at

  7. My favorite school memory was square dancing in music class! I was the really energetic girl paired with the "too cool for school" boy. I was dragging him around like a rag doll! Ha! So fun!

  8. What a cute giveaway! My son will be starting preschool next month and this would be adorable! If I don't win, I think I will have to just do it myself because it is just too cute to pass up! My favorite school memory was from kindergarten when my show and tell was my musician uncle, and he sang and played the guitar for the class :) wonderful memories

  9. My favorite school memory is the smell of nee backpacks, notebooks, pens & pencils, and fresh notebook paper mixed with the smell if freshly cleaned hallways and classrooms. (yeah, I know I'm weird) :0)

  10. I already "liked" your fb page and I'm now following your blog. :0)

  11. The first day of school was always my favorite! I could never sleep the night before :)

  12. My favorite school memory would have to be when I was in first grade & my dad came & got me out of class to tell me by baby brother had been born. Thanks for the opportunity.

    Amanda Bushong

  13. I liked you on facebook
    Amanda Bushong

  14. I am entering this comment for Amber Speck since there was a problem with the blog! :)

  15. I am also putting in an entry for Misty Peach. Next time I do a giveaway I'll use Rafflecopter! Sorry for the tech issues guys!
