Supplies: 1 dress to create your pattern
fabric for yoke, body, bottom trim and lining of dress
(about 1/2 yard of lining and body...1/4 yard for yoke and trim)
Sewing machine
2 buttons (I used my grandma's vintage collection!)
Seam ripper and button hole attachment
Using your dress as an example, trace along the neck and arm sides to create the look that you want for the top of the dress. Then, decide how long you want the dress to go and how wide you want your trim. I cut out three different pieces after I had roughly drawn out what I wanted the finished product to look like. I added 1/4" seam allowance on all the pieces!

You can see where I marked to cut on the fold for each edge
Cut out each piece for your dress (front and back) CUT ON THE FOLD!!!

Pin the front yoke to the top of the front body. This was a little tricky because of the curve I wanted - but it worked out great! Repeat for the back top and back body.

Press flat
Pin right sides together for the front bottom trim. Repeat for the back bottom trim.

Here's what you should have! (Don't forget to press!) Also, if you want, I suggest to top stitch the trim now. I didn't and now I wish I had! :)

Now, using your front and back pieces, trace along your lining fabric to have a front and back lining piece. Remember to cut on the fold!

Taking the front and back pieces of your main dress, sew the side seams together.
Repeat for the side seams of the lining but leave 2 inches unsewn (not a word, but it makes sense to me!) so you have a place to turn fabric right side out in the end! Also, press each side seam open.

Place the lining dress inside of the main dress right sides together. Sew along the outer edge around the shoulders, neck and arm. Trim to 1/8".

Turn out and press and top-stitch along the edge
This is the step that makes more sense to see it than read about it! The way I learned was by watching a
youtube video by Chidren's Corner. You have to pin right sides together all along the bottom but it looks really wonky as you go along. Don't all comes out in the end!!!

Here's the hole in the lining that I pulled the dress through.

Hand sew the lining hole closed and topstitch along the very bottom

Add your bottons on the shoulder!!!

The lining is so cute it could be worn reversible!
I hope you enjoyed!!!! Leave a comment or send me a picture if you use this tutorial to make your own!