It is such a blessing to see family additions each year in our yearly cousin pictures! When Christian was 11 months old we went out to visit our family in Idaho and I made matching outfits for the 3 boys!
Left to Right: Sam, Robert, Christian
I used the Children's Corner Johnny pattern for Sam and Christian and made the shorts for Robert from a vintage pattern! (The polo shirt is store bought)
In 2012 we went back to Idaho and I had recently been playing with my new embroidery machine so I needed to use that for the outfits!!!
I used a free PDF pattern for the shorts and Eva Mae's dress is the Lucy by Children's Corner!
In 2013 we had our Idaho cousins come to us!!! The theme this year was seersucker! I blogged about it HERE!

And no in 2014 we have another addition in our Idaho cousin lineup!
Left to Right: Eva Mae, Izzy, Eva
Little Izzy is such a sweet baby! She is the first baby born to the youngest of Nick's brothers! Eva Mae had such a fun time with her sweet girl cousins!
The outfits I made this year were only for girls since we have another little cousin in our family on my side! I made 2 Bumblebee dresses, a free pillowcase romper pattern, and the outfit that Eva Mae is wearing is blogged about HERE!
I love my sweet nieces and nephews!
Baby Grace in the Bumblebee
Eva in the Bumblebee
Izzy in the pillowcase romper
Eva Mae in the O+S shorts and E&E top
I have a lot of work to do to catch up on some blog posts after such a long vacation! I hope you all have had a great summer so far!
If you are in a craft store this month go check out my first print publication in the Creative Machine Embroidery Magazine!!!! I was so excited to see it in my mail when I got home yesterday! I would love to hear from you if you use my tutorial to make a gym bag or towel for yourself!